This certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas Company . They are one of the most famous certification bodys on the world and have a big credibility.
The BV certification authority sent the professional personnel to our company on September to conduct a detailed examination on the authenticity of our company, company environment, staff structure, product types, environmental protection, export strength, after-sales department,business trading details and so on .We cooperated them and provided all truthful documents and honest inquiries on all request.
At last they confirmed the authenticity of the content and then issue this certificate to us.
We will be more sincere attitude and customers from all over the world for cooperation,provide high quality products,quickly response,thoughtful after-sales sevice and technical support,humanized order processing.
We will try our best to make the customers get the most satisfactory evaluation.
Welcome to send inquiry to us if are dealing the business into the powder coating equipment business or your factory are using the powder coating machine and guns now.